SourceForgeClient PropertiesNemiro.OAuth

The SourceForgeClient type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccessToken
Gets or sets an access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Protected propertyAccessTokenUrl
Gets or sets the address for the access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyAccessTokenValue
Gets an access token value.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyApplicationId
Gets or sets the application identifier.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyApplicationSecret
Gets or sets the application secret key.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyAuthorization
Get the authorization parameters.
(Inherited from OAuthClient.)
Public propertyAuthorizationCode
Gets or sets access code for access token requests.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyAuthorizationUrl
Gets the endpoint of the authorization.
(Inherited from OAuthClient.)
Protected propertyAuthorizeUrl
Gets or sets the base address for login.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyParameters
Gets or sets additional query parameters.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyProviderName
Unique provider name: SourceForge.
(Overrides OAuthBase ProviderName.)
Public propertyRequestToken
Gets or sets the request token.
(Inherited from OAuthClient.)
Protected propertyRequestTokenUrl
Gets or sets the address for the request token.
(Inherited from OAuthClient.)
Public propertyReturnUrl
Gets or sets return URL.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyState
Gets or sets unique request identifier. For clients the value sets is automatically.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertySupportRefreshToken
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports refreshing access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertySupportRevokeToken
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports revoking access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version of the OAuth protocol.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
See Also