OAuthAccessToken PropertiesNemiro.OAuth

The OAuthAccessToken type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAttributes
Gets or sets an attributes of the XML item (only for XML).
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyCollectionItems
Gets a collection of string keys and UniValue values of the current UniValue.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyContainsListCollection
Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of IList objects.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyContentDisposition
Gets the Content-Disposition header of the response.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyContentType
Gets or sets the content type of the response.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyCount
Gets the number of elements actually contained in the CollectionItems.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyFileName
Gets the file name, if Result is file.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyHasAttributes
Gets a value indicating whether the current UniValue object has an attributes (only for xml data type).
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyHasValue
Gets a value indicating whether the current UniValue object has a value.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyHttpHeaders
Gets or sets the http headers of the response.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyIsArrayObsolete.
Gets a value indicating the Result is array or not.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyIsBinary
Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the UniValue is equal to Byte array.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyIsBoolean
Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the UniValue is equal to Boolean.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyIsCollection
Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the UniValue is equal to UniValueCollection.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyIsDateTime
Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the UniValue is equal to DateTime.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyIsDictionaryObsolete. (Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyIsEmpty
Gets a value indicating whether the AccessToken is empty or not.
(Inherited from AccessToken.)
Public propertyIsFile
Gets a value indicating the Result is file or not.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyIsNameValueCollectionObsolete.
Gets a value indicating the Result is NameValueCollection or not.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyIsNumeric
Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the UniValue is equal to numeric type.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyIsString
Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the UniValue is equal to String.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyIsSuccessfully
Gets a value indicating whether the current request result is successful or not.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyIsValue
Gets a value that indicates whether the data type of the UniValue is equal to UniValue.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyIsXmlObsolete.
Gets a value indicating the Result is XML or not.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyItem Int32 
Gets the value associated with the specified index of the CollectionItems.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyItem String 
Gets the value associated with the specified key of the CollectionItems.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the key for the current item, if the current item included into the collection.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyParent
The parent of the current item, if the current item included into the collection.
(Inherited from UniValue.)
Public propertyResultObsolete.
Gets or sets the processed result of the response.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the source of the response.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyStatusCode
Gets or sets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client.
(Inherited from RequestResult.)
Public propertyTokenSecret
The access token issued by the authorization server.
Public propertyValue
The access token issued by the authorization server.
See Also