OAuthAuthorization PropertiesNemiro.OAuth

The OAuthAuthorization type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAuthorizationType
Gets or sets authorization method.
(Inherited from HttpAuthorization.)
Public propertyCallback
Gets or sets the callback address.
Public propertyConsumerKey
Gets or sets the consumer key.
Public propertyConsumerSecret
Gets or sets the consumer secret.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.
(Inherited from HttpAuthorization.)
Public propertyNonce
Gets or sets the nonce.
Public propertyParametersObsolete.
Authorization parameters.
(Inherited from HttpAuthorization.)
Protected propertyParametersSorted
Sorted authorization parameters.
(Inherited from HttpAuthorization.)
Public propertySignature
Gets or sets the signature.
Public propertySignatureMethod
Gets or sets the signature method.
Public propertyTimestamp
Gets or sets the timestamp.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets the token.
Public propertyTokenSecret
Gets or sets the secret token.
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets parameters of the authorization.
(Inherited from HttpAuthorization.)
Public propertyVerifier
Gets or sets the verifier code.
Public propertyVersion
Gets or sets the version of the OAuth.
See Also