ApiException PropertiesNemiro.OAuth

The ApiException type exposes the following members.


Public propertyContentType
Gets the content type of the response.
(Inherited from RequestException.)
Public propertyData (Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyHelpLink (Inherited from Exception.)
Protected propertyHResult (Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyHttpHeaders
Gets the http headers of the response.
(Inherited from RequestException.)
Public propertyInnerException (Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyMessage (Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyRequestResult
Instance of the RequestResult.
(Inherited from RequestException.)
Public propertySource (Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyStackTrace (Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyStatusCode
Gets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client.
(Inherited from RequestException.)
Public propertyTargetSite (Inherited from Exception.)
See Also