OAuth2Client ClassNemiro.OAuth
Represents base properties and method for OAuth 2.0 client.
Inheritance Hierarchy

System Object
  Nemiro.OAuth OAuthBase
    Nemiro.OAuth OAuth2Client
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients AmazonClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients AssemblaClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients CodeProjectClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients DropboxClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients FacebookClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients FoursquareClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients GitHubClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients GoogleClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients InstagramClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients LinkedInClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients LiveClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients MailRuClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients OdnoklassnikiClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients SoundCloudClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients VkontakteClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients YahooClient
      Nemiro.OAuth.Clients YandexClient

Namespace: Nemiro.OAuth
Assembly: Nemiro.OAuth (in Nemiro.OAuth.dll) Version: (

public abstract class OAuth2Client : OAuthBase

The OAuth2Client type exposes the following members.


Public methodOAuth2Client
Initializes a new instance of the OAuth2Client class.

Public methodClone 
Creates a shallow copy of the current object.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public methodClone(NameValueCollection, String)
Creates a shallow copy of the current object.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetAccessToken
Gets the access token from the remote server.
(Overrides OAuthBase GetAccessToken .)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetSpecifiedTokenOrCurrent
Returns the specified access token or the current access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUserInfo Obsolete.
Gets the user details via API of the provider.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public methodGetUserInfo(AccessToken)
Gets the user details via API of the provider.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRedirectToAuthorization
Redirects a client to the Authorization URL.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public methodRefreshToken
Sends a request to refresh the access token.
(Overrides OAuthBase RefreshToken(AccessToken).)
Public methodRevokeToken
Sends a request to revoke the access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)

Public propertyAccessToken
Gets or sets an access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Protected propertyAccessTokenUrl
Gets or sets the address for the access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyAccessTokenValue
Gets an access token value.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyApplicationId
Gets or sets the application identifier.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyApplicationSecret
Gets or sets the application secret key.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyAuthorizationCode
Gets or sets access code for access token requests.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyAuthorizationUrl
Gets the endpoint of the authorization.
(Overrides OAuthBase AuthorizationUrl.)
Protected propertyAuthorizeUrl
Gets or sets the base address for login.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyDefaultScope
The deault scope.
Public propertyGrantType
Gets or sets grant type.
Public propertyParameters
Gets or sets additional query parameters.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyPassword
Gets or sets password if GrantType is password or client_credentials.
Public propertyProviderName
Unique provider name.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyReturnUrl
Gets or sets return URL.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyScope
The scope of the access request.
Public propertyScopeSeparator
The separator in the scope list.
Public propertyState
Gets or sets unique request identifier. For clients the value sets is automatically.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertySupportRefreshToken
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports refreshing access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertySupportRevokeToken
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current client supports revoking access token.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)
Public propertyUsername
Gets or sets username if GrantType is password or client_credentials.
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version of the OAuth protocol.
(Inherited from OAuthBase.)

For more details, please visit http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-31.

See Also